Quis section class
Related Indext : www.publiklampung.com Lecturer Indexed : www.ariesetyaputra.com materi Quiz section class berisi tentang : To be able to register a patent for his findings, an expert must be able to compile a patent document. Specific knowledge and expertise is needed to prepare patent documents. The parts of the patent document that must be compiled consist of: Title of the Invention, Field of Engineering Invention, Background of the Invention, Brief Description of the Invention, Complete Description of the Invention, Claims and Abstracts. In the preparation of claims it is recommended to consult a legal expert, so that the meaning of the language of the claim is in accordance with the terminology commonly used in law enforcement. This claim will later become the basis of prosecution in the court when a patented invention is imitated or produced by a person or body that is not permitted by the inventor. This can happen because there is no integration betwe...